
Big Noise Dispatches 01 (DVD)

Dispatches 01 collects 72 minutes of radical investigations, analysis and on-the-ground video from the Big Noise team working on four continents.

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Product ID: 1126 SKU: 9781604861914 Category:

Against a tide of ignorance, isolation and cynicism, Big Noise Dispatches take you around the world to look war and crisis in the face, but also to witness a shared struggle for survival and dignity.

Dispatches 01 collects 72 minutes of radical investigations, analysis and on the ground video from the Big Noise team working on four continents.

  • Reconstructing Jihad: Israel’s July War destroyed 130,000 homes and created 1 million refugees but failed to defeat Hezballah. The next phase of the struggle is Hezballah’s race to rebuild its southern stronghold. (14 min)
  • The Other Campaigns: Multibillionaire Carlos Slim and the guerrilla leader Subcomandante Marcos are facing off in the struggle between the Mexico above and the Mexico below. (15 min)
  • Goldfinger: Big Noise and investigative reporter Greg Palast unmask “Vulture Funds”—debt speculators who are taking millions from the world’s poorest countries. (12 min)
  • World Bank Famine: 800,000 children face starvation in Niger, but activists say the famine is not caused by drought—it was caused by 20 years of structural adjustment programs. (5 min)
  • It’s The Oil Stupid: Big Noise and investigative reporter Greg Palast meet with President Chavez in a look at Latin America’s Oil Superpower and the “New Latin America.” (11 min)
  • Mexican Election Fraud: Big Noise and investigative reporter Greg Palast uncover blatant fraud in the right wing’s come-from-behind presidential victory. (15 min)

Product Details:

Produced by:  Big Noise Media and PM Press
Released: July 2008
UPC Code: 760137478294
ISBN: 978-1-60486-191-4
Format:  DVD (NTSC)
Language: English
Length: 72 Minutes
DVD Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1
Packaging: 7.5 by 5.5
Subjects: Documentary, Current Events

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Weight 125 g
Dimensions 20 × 14 × 2 cm