The Anarchist Jesus

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Heathcote Williams’ posthumously published epic poem, detailing the anarchist life of a figure called Jesus.


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Heathcote Williams’ posthumously published epic poem about a man called Jesus, who led a good life.  “Jesus was a supreme example of authentic anarchy, creative and vibrant, not an ineffective fable. He worked from the bottom up, not from the top down, he worked with the poor, enabling them to enable.” Heathcote Williams. It’s an interesting poem in a pocket book format.

About the author:
John Henley Heathcote-Williams (born 1941) was an anarchist poet, playwright, and occasional actor. His poetry books and plays emphasised environmental themes, political corruption and injustice. His life was dedicated to drawing attention to these issues and fighting for a better world.

Although he was personally a pacifist, he was no stranger to direct action and was a leading activist in the London squatting scene in the 1970s, helping establish the state of Frestonia in Notting Hill, which declared independence from England, and even issued its own stamps.

He had no religious faith, but had great faith in the potential of people to do good. He saw Jesus and his teachings (through a secular lense) as typifying the ideals of anarchy and pacifism. He had worked on the poem contained in this book for many years, but died of kidney failure in 2017 before completing it.

Book details:
Author: Heathcote Williams
Published: (posthumously) September 2022
Publisher: Active Distribution
ISBN: 9781914567162
Genre: Poetry
Pages: 72
Format: A6 Pocketbook

Weight 56 g
Dimensions 15 × 10.5 × .6 cm