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The Angry Brigade Documents
~Paperback, A6 Pocketbooks, Active Distribution, Books, commentary and opinion, Elephant Editions, England, great Britain, Non-PM titles, The Ugly KingdomThis a6 edition is a collaboration between Elephant Editions and Active Distribution, and features an extended introduction by Jean Weir.
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Angry Brigade: Documents and Chronology shows some extent of the armed struggle that was carried out in Britain in the late sixties and early seventies, re-proposing the validity of armed attack against capital in all its forms.
-Back cover text:
“One of the main criticisms of the Angry Brigade was – and still is – that their actions unleashed a wave of repression against “the left” in Britain. But the fact that until then “the left” had been left relatively undisturbed does not mean that repression did not exist, and is not being enforced every moment of the day in every sphere of proletarian life. Whether this repression uses its intrsuments of war (police, rubber bullets, lead bullets, tanks, etc) depends on the level of the struggle is at, beyond the official instruments of defence (trade unions, parties), and which in reality are part of the “kid glove” side of repression along with the media and the church. However small, however insignificant it may seem, any action which disregards the rules, which does not seek a mediator, which excludes the logic of dialogue, is a potential danger to the status quo, not only of the State and the capitalists, but also of the official workers’ movement.
In this framework the Angry Brigade emerge not as deviation but as a concrete alternative proposition in response to the intensification of the class struggle at the time. Not only their communiques but the actions themselves were in the logic of revolutionary counter-information, reaching out beyond official channels to underline the institutional violence of the system, and to show that institutions are made of and by *men*. Men are vulnerable and can be attacked – one particularly painful area of attack is their property, and that is where the Angry Brigade chose to strike. ”
Book details:
Publisher: Active Distribution | Elephant Editions
Published: new printing June 2022 (original content: 1978 | this edition with new introduction: 2015)
Format: A6 pocketbook
Pages: 70
Subject: History in Britain | Armed Groups
Contributors: Jean Weir (Introduction)
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