This documentary, produced by Gordon Carr for the BBC (and first shown in January 1973, shortly after the trial), covers the roots of the Angry Brigade in the revolutionary ferment of the 1960s, and follows their campaign and the police investigation to its culmination in the “Stoke Newington 8” conspiracy trial at the Old Bailey—the longest criminal trial in British legal history. Produced after extensive research—among both the libertarian opposition and the police—it remains the essential study of Britain’s first urban guerilla group.
Extra: The Persons Unknown (1980, 22 minutes)
The so-called “Persons Unknown” case in which members of the Anarchist Black Cross were tried (and later acquitted) at the Old Bailey on charges of “conspiring with persons unknown, at places unknown, to cause explosions and to overthrow society.” Featuring interviews and footage of Stuart Christie, Nicholas Walter, Crass and many other UK anarchist activists and propagandists of the time.
Below Video of Poison Girls: Persons Unknown is not on the DVD but was inspired by the case and has some great shots!
Product Details:
Publisher: PM Press
Published: November 2008
UPC: 760137482093
Format: DVD (NTSC)
Length: 60 Minutes
Package: 7.5 by 5.5
Languages: English
Subjects: Documentary, Anarchism, Armed Struggle
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