The Primal Screamer: Blank Edition

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A blank cover edition of Nick Blinko’s Primal Screamer. Devoid of any illustrations. Plain old words.


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Product ID: 5783 SKU: Active-Blanko Categories: , , , Tags: ,

This semi-autobiographical novel from Rudimentary Peni singer, guitarist, lyricist, and illustrator Nick Blinko, plunges into the worlds of madness, suicide, and anarchist punk. Lovecraft meets Crass in the squats and psychiatric institutions of early ‘80s England. This is the blank edition with no artwork and white text on black as Nick originally wanted it to be , issued by Active 2020.


This book has no name, title or any identifying information, the cover is blank! Printed offset litho in Croatia.

Weight 169 g
Dimensions 21 × 14.6 × 1 cm