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Authentic Democracy: An Ethical Justification of Anarchism

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By unpacking the underlying arguments and assumptions which justify the current political order, Authentic Democracy shows that the existing democracies are in fact highly undemocratic; and that anarchism is what authenic democracy looks like.


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Product ID: 10649 SKU: 9781916477865 Categories: , , , , , Tags: ,

“Show me what democracy looks like.
This is what democracy looks like.”

In recent years, such chants – in the main aimed at democratically-elected governments by free citizens – have become common in anti-government protests across the world. Something is clearly amiss with democracy. In Authentic Democracy, this democratic deficit is exposed. By unpacking the underlying arguments and assumptions which justify the current political order, Authentic Democracy shows that the existing democracies are in fact highly undemocratic; and that anarchism is what authentic democracy looks like.

Book details:
Title: Athentic Democracy
Author: DaN McKee
Publisher:Tippermuir Books
Published: 2020
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
Subject: Philosophy | Democracy | Anarchism

“Dan McKee offers an engaging and accessible case for anarchism, deeply rooted in ethics and powerfully responding to conventional defences of authority. This book is an original and valuable contribution which deserves a wide audience.”
Uri Gordon, author of Anarchy Alive!

About the author:

Check out the author’s website for more details.

Listen to DaN interviewed on THE PROPAGANDA MACHINE podcast

Listen to DaN interviewed about AUTHENTIC DEMOCRACY on Dissident Island Radio (28 mins in)




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