Today’s deliberations about a revamped health care system are stuck. We need a fresh analysis and a new vision. Health Care Revolt sets out to provide just that and at a most propitious time in U.S. history. Dr. Michael Fine’s manifesto frames the questions more expansively than others before him and offers an impassioned road map for a nation confused about which health care direction to travel.
The crux of Dr. Fine’s argument is that the U.S. does not have a health system. Rather we have put our faith in a so-called marketplace in which the few profit from the public’s ill-health. This ailing market has accelerated the erosion of American democracy by contributing to economic polarization. Health Care Revolt looks around the world for examples of health care systems that are effective and affordable, pictures such a system for the U.S., and creates a practical playbook for a political revolution in health care that will allow the nation to protect health while strengthening democracy.
Dr. Fine’s voice is likely to command attention. He writes with the experience of a clinician, state public health commissioner, scholar, and community organizer. He illustrates his points with personal stories and acute analysis, conveying medicalese in ways that readers will find comprehendible.
- “Health Care Revolt by Dr. Michael Fine is a critical read about what we need to do for the future of our health care system in America. In Central Falls we have now experienced the benefits of a Neighborhood Health Station that has the capacity to serve the majority of the community and focus on preventive care. This model focuses on tackling health care issues from a grassroots level.” —James A. Diossa, mayor of Central Falls, Rhode Island
- “Michael Fine is one of the true heroes of primary care over several decades.” —Dr. Doug Henley, CEO and executive vice president of the American Academy of Family Physicians
- “Dr. Fine’s prose carries a clarity and sense of urgency that are motivating to an increasingly impatient profession and public. This book should inspire the nation to make a break with the same old political mess that is bankrupting Americans and undermining our democracy.” —David H. Bor, MD, chief academic officer, Cambridge Health Alliance
- “Michael Fine has given us an extraordinary biopic on health care in America based on the authority of his 40-year career as writer, community organizer, family physician, and public health official. In Health Care Revolt, he channels the core frustration felt by so many, providing a compelling commentary for a nation confused about which health care direction to travel.” —Fitzhugh Mullan, professor of health policy in the Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University
- “Michael Fine is angry. His frustration with the U.S. Health Care System runs deep and so does his prescription for reform. That prescription means understanding how poorly we are served by our non-system. It means understanding how money drives our non-system. And it means understanding how its reform depends on all of us working together locally and nationally, motivated by a new vision of health. All that and more is in this passionate, fierce book.” —Christopher F. Koller, president, Milbank Memorial Fund
- “As Rhode Island’s Director of Health, Dr. Fine brought a vision of a humane, local, integrated health care system that focused as much on health as on disease and treatment. Dr. Fine is proposing a new, smart approach to how we think about health care and the connection between burdensome medical costs and the well-being of our democracy.” —U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
About the Contributors:
- Michael Fine, MD, is a writer, community organizer, and family physician. He is the chief health strategist for the City of Central Falls, RI, and Senior Clinical and Population Health Services Officer for Blackstone Valley Community Health Care, Inc., and recipient of the Barbara Starfield Award, the John Cunningham Award, and the Austin T. Levy Award. He was director of the Rhode Island Department of Health, 2011–2015.
- Bernard Lown is professor emeritus of cardiology at the Harvard School of Public Health and the developer of the direct current defibrillator. As a peace activist he cofounded the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, an organization that won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985. He is the author of The Lost Art of Healing: Practicing Compassion in Medicine and Prescription for Survival: A Doctor’s Journey to End Nuclear Madness.
- Ariel Lown Lewiton is a writer and editor based in New York. Her essays, stories, and criticism have appeared in the Los Angeles Review of Books, the National, Vice, the Paris Review Daily, Tin House online, and elsewhere. She has an MFA from the University of Iowa’s Nonfiction Writing Program and is a contributing editor at Guernica magazine.
Product Details:
Author: Michael Fine • Foreword: Bernard Lown and Ariel Lown Lewiton
Publisher: PM Press
ISBN: 978-1-62963-581-1
Published: October 2018
Format: Paperback
Size: 5.5×8.5
Page count: 192
Subjects: Politics-Activism / Health Care
See and hear author interviews, book reviews, and other news on Michael Fine’s Page HERE