Contradictions:(special issue) Central & Eastern European Anarchisms

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A special issue of the Contradictions journal, focussing on the anarchisms of central and eastern europe


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A Journal for Critical Thought, Central and Eastern European Anarchisms, 2023 (2), English language edition

Contradictions assesses and creatively revives radical intellectual traditions of Central and Eastern Europe, bringing them to bear on the historical present and bringing them into international discussions of emancipatory social change.

Contradictions is published in two issues a year, one in English and one in Czech and Slovak.

This issue includes anarchism in Romania, Budapest during the 1910s, early 1990s anarchism in Slovakia, Polish anarchism after 1989, various translations and reviews of texts, an inquiry into anarchists and the war in Ukraine and an interview with Yavor Tarinski about Bulgarian anarchism

Journal details:
Title: Contradictions
ID:Volume 7, 2023 – number 2
ISBN: 9788070077788
ISSN: 2570-7485
Publisher: Filosofia, the publishing house of the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences


 –  Editorial: Grzegorz Piotrowski and Ondřej Slačálek, Central and Eastern Europe and Anarchist Studies: Putting it Back on the Map? 

 –  Adrian Tătăran, Science Popularization, Print Activism, and Vegetarianism: An Introduction to Classical Anarchism in Romania
 –  Eszter Balázs, Anarchism and the Avant-garde in Central Europe: Lajos Kassák’s Magazines in Budapest during the 1910s
 –  Miroslav Michela, Early 1990s Anarchism in Slovakia: Between Punk Rebellion and Organized Protest
 –  Gleb Koran, Detournement as Satire in the Belarussian Newspaper Navinki 

 –  Grzegorz Piotrowski, The Critical Potential Of Anarchism and Its Consequences: Polish Anarchism during and after 1989
 –  Ondřej Slačálek, The Hidden Originality of Central and Eastern European Anarchisms: Let’s End with Also-ism

 –  Luisa Landová-Štychová, introduced by Kristina Andělová and Ondřej Slačálek, Marriage, Family, and Free Love
Kristina Andělová and Ondřej Slačálek, Introduction
Luisa Landová-Štychová, Marriage, Family, and Free Love
Maria Orsetti, introduced by Piotr Laskowski, The Theory of Surplus Value and Consumer Cooperativism
Piotr Laskowski, Introduction
Maria Orsetti, The Theory of Surplus Value and Consumer Cooperativism

 –  Yavor Tarinski interviewed by Ondřej Slačálek, Stories of Bulgarian Anarchism

In Memoriam:
 –  Bogdan Rusu, Nicolas Trifon: A Franco-Romanian Aromanian Anarchist

 –  Ondřej Slačálek, Grzegorz Piotrowski, and Miroslav Tomek, eds., Anarchists and the War in Ukraine

 –  Noah Brehmer, The Living Communism of Friendship (Bartłomiej Błesznowski and Cezary Rudnicki, eds., Metaphysics of Cooperation)
Jonáš Kreisinger, Recontextualizing Raya Dunayevskaya’s Marxist-Humanism for Contemporary Left Politics (Kevin B. Anderson, Kieran Durkin, Heather A. Brown, eds., Raya Dunayevskaya’s Intersectional Marxism: Race, Class, Gender, and the Dialectics of Liberation)

Weight 390 g